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Published on:2015-04-29

This email went out to the Beijing community:

Dear Friends
We are all shocked at the extensive devastation & the ongoing human suffering after Saturday’s massive earthquake in Nepal.
As a community we can support with sending blankets, winter clothing & money .
Roundabout ( will be open over the May Holiday to accept donations of blankets, clothing & money from 10am-3pm on 1st, 2nd & 3rd of May.
We are also accepting donations at our downtown drop-off points Donate – Roundabout
Donate – Roundabout

DONATE   “ For it is in giving that we receive “ . St Francis of Assisi. Roundabout is always happy to receive your donations and to pass them on to people in need…
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Roundabout is accepting monetary donations via the following Roundabout a/c:
Bank: ICBC
a/c no: 622208 0200019899908
We will be shipping the donations via various agencies & NGOs as soon as we can.
Several Chinese charities are already working with survivors in remote parts of Tibet which were also affected & hit by landslides & avalanches. CCAFC ( is supporting this relief effort at the moment with donations from Roundabout.
The Chinese government has sent emergency support to Nepal – please check the Embassy of Nepal’s website for further details
Thank you & please be in touch if you have further questions.
Mary Kate & Becky



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