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Roundabout could not function without all the amazing volunteers who selflessly give of their time to come in to tackle a large variety of tasks. They are the backbone of our organization and we treasure their willingness to help. We have volunteers of all different nationalities and backgrounds but we all have the same goal which binds us, and that is to make a difference to the lives of those less fortunate.

New volunteers are always warmly welcomed into our Roundabout family. After initial training you can then work the hours that suit you. Some volunteers work 2 hours a week, others commit to 4 days a week – it is entirely up to you.

The giving of your time will make a huge difference to so many lives – including yours. Please consider joining us.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of Roundabout Juniors!

This is a Saturday group, for youngsters age 8 – 12 years, who are interested in helping others via our organization. The Junior group will help us check puzzles, count coins from collection boxes, test pens ready to be sent to rural schools, dress dolls ready to send out and lots more. The children will learn what we do and the reasons why.

If your child is interested in becoming part of this caring and giving group then please watch this space for more details coming soon.
We strongly believe in getting young people involved and would make you most welcome. Do contact us today!

We would love for you to get involved! Please click the link below to apply. **NOTE** Due to a glitch, it might seem like your form failed to upload (but most likely, ALL IS WELL!). Indeed, if we haven't answered within a couple of days and you’d like to confirm, please contact Maggie 185 1044 9951].
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