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Once again we are indebted to the wonderful people at the British School of Beijing and our wonderful book fair donors and purchasers.

The sum of 217,121 rmb was made in only 5 days!

This raising of this much money and the book fair would not have been possible without the dedication of so many people.
We thank everyone who worked so hard: from those who spent hours sorting books, boxing up books by genre & language, pricing books, spreading the word about the sale, advertising, setting up the tables & the books, buying books, bringing friends to the sale, volunteering over the days of the sale, our kind logistics sponsor Sino Santa Fe – so much goes into making this happen – thank you all very much!
Special thanks are due to Eli Puttock & all the staff & community at BSB for their tremendous generosity & welcome.
100% of the money raised will go to support the survivors of the Yunnan earthquake (which occurred on August 3rd) rebuild their lives after this tragedy & to the children whose education ceased that day. We are working to repair roads, provide basic medical services, buy seeds & livestock & provide shelter for the families & rebuild schools. We will put all the details on our website over the next few days.
Our heartfelt thanks to you all,



Just a little bit about the book fair process:

Michael Durgin, our volunteer book fair manager, Bettina, his committed assistant, and all the other volunteers work long, long hours sorting all the books prior to a fair. The books come in to us in boxes, bags, loose, in with other donations – all sorts of ways. After separation they then have to be checked to see if they are in good condition, are books that will sell ( 1983 guide to Ibiza anyone?!!! ) and if they are books needed by charities – such as migrant children’s schools.

They are then sorted in all the different genres, and in the case of novels, are sorted alphabetically. It really is a huge task. Our book room is always overflowing thanks to the generosity of our community. I think Michael will be nodding in agreement when I say that there will probably never be a time when we are up to date on jobs in that room! More volunteers very welcome!

Then there is the matter of carrying the book boxes, which are very heavy, and stacking them on the shelves.  Nobody likes that job !

Next time I’ll write about the process of actually setting up a fair !




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