Pick up a fund raising pack soon and join our ” 1 in a million ” campaign.
Between now and Christmas
we are asking 1 million people to each give 1rmb
( or more )
to help the children on our leaflet.
Fundraising packs that contain posters, flyers and stickers are waiting for you!
They are available in Chinese, English or a mix of both.
List of places they are available: http://www.roundaboutchina.com/1-in-a-million-appeal-details
Although aimed at children ANYONE can pick up a bag and then ask their friends and family to each donate a minimum of 1 rmb, in return for a
** 1 in a million ** sticker.
Kids can explain to the ayi’s what they are doing and give them a few leaflets and stickers so they can go and collect from a friend or 2.
( Ayi’s and other local Chinese neighbours joining in will help us spread the concept of charity to those who are perhaps new to the idea. Many, many Chinese people give very generously indeed, but to some – this is all very new )
More adventurous kids can use the posters to do fund raising – such as holding a bring and buy sale, or a bake sale perhaps.
Money collected can be brought to one of our drop off points
Together we really can make a difference – will you join us ?