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Published on:2013-06-24

Summer is always our busiest time of year and so in June we were delighted to have the enthusiastic help of so many people from the Lamborghini office in Beijing.

The team of approx 18 people came laden down with bags and boxes full of much appreciated donations and after receiving a tour of Roundabout, including an explanation of what we do and why – they happily rolled up their sleeves and got to work. Some sorted clothing, others set to work on the book dept ( an enormous task that never ends ), a few tackled the mighty task of assembling furniture for us and some of the ladies helped price items for sale. They managed to do so much in such a short space of time and we were truly grateful.


Donations they brought along included a cash donation of 4,000rmb ( which has been used to help Song Zihan / see our appeals page ) 96 kg of clothing and 4 large boxes of shoes which were sent to SIchuan  ( Ya’an earthquake area and a poor mountain village and school ) and over 5,000 rmb’s worth of items for sale in the store – the proceeds of were used to pay for chemotherapy for Song Zihan.


We so enjoyed meeting and working with this wonderful team and do hope they will be back to help again soon. It is only by working together that we can make the differences that we do.

Thank you all at Lamborghini.


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